March Events
Thursday, March 3, at 6:00 p.m.Ricardo L. Ortíz, Associate Professor at the English Department of Georgetown University will present on Cuban-American Literature and the Cuban-American Experience at the
Roberto C. Goizueta Pavilion, Otto G. Richter Library.
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Tuesday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m.
As part of the Federación de Estudiantes Cubanos (FEC)'s Week of Cuban Culture, the CHC will host the Operation Pedro Pan Presentation. Several guest speakers will discuss the impact of the program as well as their personal experiences as Pedro Pans.
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Visit our Events & Lectures web page for more information.
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Now on Display - In Search of Freedom: Cuban Exiles and the U.S. Cuban Refugee Program

We invite you to visit us to view our latest exhibition, In Search of Freedom: Cuban Exiles and the U.S. Cuban Refugee Program, the launch of which commemorates the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the U.S. Cuban Refugee Program. This exhibition is on display through June in the Roberto C. Goizueta Pavilion on the second floor of the Otto G. Richter Library. An online version of this exhibit highlighting just some of the unique photographs from the Cuban Refugee Center Records will be made available soon. Learn more about this exhibit »
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Luis J. Botifoll Oral History Project on front page of The Miami Hurricane
The University of Miami twice-weekly student newspaper The Miami Hurricane features the Luis J. Botifoll Oral History Project on the cover of the February 7 issue. View the article online »
The Botifoll Oral History Project was launched in April 2008 with the support of the Amigos of the Cuban Heritage Collection. To date, we have recorded 43 interviews with members of the first generation of Cubans exiled since the Cuban Revolution. Interviewees include political prisoners, artists and musicians, journalists, entrepreneurs, and others. The Project aims to record and provide access to these testimonies in support of the Cuban Heritage Collection's efforts to document the Cuban experience on the island and in the diaspora. As interviews are completed, transcriptions and video clips are made available online. Visit the Luis J. Botifoll Oral History Project digital collection »
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Scholar Spotlight: Raúl Galván, Martin Tsang, and Katerina Seligmann
With the generous support of The Goizueta Foundation, the Cuban Heritage Collection launched its Graduate Fellowships program in 2010. That same year, in partnership with the University of Miami's College of Arts and Sciences, we also inaugurated the Undergraduate Scholars program. To date, we have ten Graduate Fellows and eleven Undergraduate Scholars.
On our website, we have posted research reports and clips from interviews with the emerging scholars that have made use of the Collection through these programs. By visiting each Fellow's and Scholars profile page, you can learn about his or her work and experience conducting research at the Cuban Heritage Collection. This month, we introduced Scholar Spotlight, a new series on our blog that will highlight alumni of the Graduate Fellowships and Undergraduate Scholars programs. We featured the work of the following graduate fellows.
Raúl Galván is a Ph.D. candidate in History at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Raúl's doctoral dissertation is entitled "Cuban Transnationals in the Late 19th Century: Sugar, Revolution and Citizenship." Raúl was with us for a month, during which he completed approximately 60 pages of his dissertation. Raúl consulted a number of secondary resources, bibliographies and manuscript collections, including the Tomás Estrada Palma Collection and the Fernández-Cavada Collection. Additionally, a major component of Raúl's research experience was the resourcefulness and the personal connections of the CHC librarians. Esperanza B. de Varona, Chair of the Cuban Heritage Collection, was able to introduce him, via phone, to Fernando Fernández-Cavada, grandson and nephew of the brothers and only living member of the family. Learn more »
Martin Tsang is a Ph.D. candidate in Global and Sociocultural Studies at Florida International University. Martin's research project was entitled "Afro-Chinese Identity and Religion in Cuba." Martin was with us for a month, a time which served to be highly productive for his dissertation research . Martin's primary focus was to examine the Lydia Cabrera Papers, but he also consulted a number of secondary resources, bibliographies and other manuscript collections including the Gastón Baquero Papers. Martin also benefited greatly from contact with co-recipients of the Pre-Prospectus Fellowship who were also in residence, as well as the faculty and staff of the Cuban Heritage Collection who "shared their unparalleled knowledge of the collections." Learn more »
Katerina Seligmann is a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Literature at Brown University and was in residence in the Cuban Heritage Collection this summer as a Graduate Pre-Prospectus Fellow. Her research project is entitled "Caribbean Intellectual Voyages: Traveling Texts, Traveling Ideas, and the Making of the Modern Caribbean." She describes her work in CHC as having three primary functions: "1. To investigate the literary-intellectual relationship between Lydia Cabrera and Aimé Césaire; 2. To begin to approximate the literary-intellectual culture of 1940s Cuba by way of its revista publications; 3. To identify which foreign authors were published in Cuba and important to Cuban authors of the 1940s." Learn more »
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