Wednesday, November 3, at 6:00 p.m.
Alfredo Rivera, Ph.D. candidate from Duke University and visiting student at the School of Architecture will present Modernism in the Tropics: Architecture and Tourism in Republican Havana, Cuba (1902-1958) at the
Jorge M. Perez Architecture Building, Glasgow Hall.
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Thursday, November 18 at 6:30 p.m.
CHC and the Instituto Cultural René Ariza present the 2010 Premios René Ariza, awarded this year to playwrights Raul de Cárdenas and Héctor Santiago and actress Magali Boix. At the Roberto C. Goizueta Pavilion, Otto G. Richter Library. IN SPANISH.
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Monday, November 22, at 6:00 p.m.
Robin Moore, Professor of Ethnomusicology from the University of Texas at Austin will present The Contradictions of Afrocubanismo Nationalism at the Roberto C. Goizueta Pavilion, Otto G. Richter Library.
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Visit our Events & Lectures web page for more information.
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Meet the staff: Annie Sansone Martínez
Annie Sansone Martínez is celebrating her 10-year anniversary with us this year, and we couldn't be happier to have her working with us. For the past ten years, Annie has been an integral part of the CHC family and has been involved in just about every aspect of the workplace. Chances are that if you've had some kind of contact with the Cuban Heritage Collection in the past decade, you've probably spoken with Annie.
Originally from Puerto Rico, Annie was born in Río Piedras and lived in Río Grande until she graduated from high school in 1998. She studied psychology and creative writing at the University of Miami, working as a CHC student assistant for two years starting in 2000. During that time, she largely worked on processing a variety of different materials. Annie highlights this as one of her favorite times during her career at CHC, as she got to work with and become intimately familiar with some very unique and cool items, including the maps, posters, the Cuban Postcard Collection, and the limited edition artists' books published by Ediciones Vigía. Learn more »
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Teatro Cubano, La Ilustración Cubana and other selected periodicals available online
The Cuban Heritage Collection includes thousands of titles of journals, newspapers, magazines, and newsletters published both in and outside Cuba, from colonial times to the present. The digital collection of Cuban Heritage Collection periodicals focuses primarily on works published before 1923 that are most unique to our holdings.
Highlights include the only issue published of El Negrito in 1821, three issues of the children's journal El Amigo de los Niños published in 1875 in New York, and the 1885-1886 issues of La Ilustración Cubana published in Barcelona. Newly digitized titles are continually added. Browse or search titles in the digital collection »
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Cuban Memories: the Cuban Constitution of 1940, then and today
Seventy years ago on October 10, 1940, the Cuban government promulgated a new Constitution in Guáimaro, a historic town in the Camagüey province. The Constitution, known later as the 1940 Constitution of Cuba, was the culmination of a six-month debate that took place during the presidency of Federico Laredo Brú. Comprising 286 Articles grouped in 19 Titles, it was drafted with the collaboration of a Constitutional Convention, presided over by Carlos Márquez Sterling and composed of seventy-six delegates from nine political parties. These delegates represented practically all sectors of Cuban political opinion according to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in 1962. The ICJ furthermore describes that the 1940 Constitution was characterized by "the rare balance it established between republican, liberal and democratic postulates on one hand and the demands of social justice and economic advancement on the other." Learn more »
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CHC in the press
CHC is featured in this month's issue of Ocean Drive Magazine, the fashion, society, culture, and entertainment magazine. We're delighted to be highlighted along with mouth-watering Brazilian and Mexican restaurants, the latest fashions exhibited at the Miami City Ballet, and Shakira! Pick up a copy on newsstands today, or read the article here »
We were also put in the spotlight by the South Florida philanthropy and social life magazine Social Affairs in their 2010-11 Charity Register issue. Once again finding ourselves in good company, CHC is featured alongside Gloria Estefan, the John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, and the leading ladies of United Way. Read the article here »
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